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Bsw Partei

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance: Reason and Justice in German Politics

Background and Foundation

The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht Reason and Justice, BSW) was established in January 2024 as a political organization. Its purpose is to prepare the ground for the formation of a new political party.

Aims and Objectives

The BSW aims to promote reason and justice in German politics. It advocates for:

  • Social equality and fairness
  • Economic stability and prosperity
  • A strong and sovereign Germany
  • A peaceful and cooperative Europe

Leadership and Membership

Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent figure in German politics, serves as the BSW's founder and leader. The organization has attracted a diverse membership, including former members of the Left Party, trade unionists, and concerned citizens.

Political Platform

The BSW's political platform centers around the following key issues:

  • Income distribution: Promoting fair wages, social security, and reducing income inequalities
  • Economic sovereignty: Protecting German industries and promoting economic self-sufficiency
  • Foreign policy: Pursuing a non-interventionist approach and strengthening German-Russian relations
  • Climate change: Recognizing the urgency of climate action while prioritizing economic stability and energy security

Future Plans

The BSW is actively preparing to participate in the 2024 European Parliament elections. It aims to establish itself as a significant force in German politics and work towards the establishment of a new political party that will represent the values of reason and justice.
